What is the LDC?What is the Leadership Development Course? The LDC is a 6 week intensive, interactive course that was first started at the Seamill Centre in Scotland but is now in many locations around the world. If you have had at least 5 years experience as a leader and need some evaluation and focus on what the future holds, then this is the course for you. The course looks into the phases of growth of a leader’s life, mentoring, team building, direction setting and much more. Practical one to one mentoring, peer mentoring, workshops, ministry times and groups of all kinds are a vital part of the course.
Our next LDC will be February 2026 Contact us for more info.
Leadership Development Course
What is the Structure of the LDC?What is the structure of the LDC? The leadership development course is 6 weeks of teaching input, with a lot of discussion in class. The teaching style utilises question times, role plays, games, exercises and hands on workshops to help you learn and assimilate the teaching. All delegates are a part of processing groups that meet each week as well as peer groups with 2 or 3 other delegates. The teaching is modelled by staff, with practical application and assignments to help each delegate learn as much as possible. There is opportunity every day for prayer input. The course is all about you as a leader, developing yourself and then others on your team. It’s about accomplishing the task but building the people on your team in the process. Or as Ephesians 4 puts it, “equipping the saints for the work of ministry.”
Why do an LDC?* Get time away from your present responsibilities to seek God * Understand your gifting and calling for a clarity of focus * Gain a knowledge of your phase of growth as a leader * Learn specific skills in leadership and mentoring * Have team leadership and participatory leadership style modeled * Enjoy an environment for special encounters with God